Mar 11, 2013

5 Reasons Why Soap Opera Pregnancies Suck

It's no secret that one of my many vices, (after chocolate, cheese and cunnilingus) is my addiction to soap operas. As I'm vegging out on the couch during my currently very stress-filled life, I watch all these women (and often girls) go through these tumultuous pregnancies -- I mean, really -- has there ever been a full term pregnancy go by on a daytime show that was uneventful? Preposterous!

And we thought we had issues? I guess it could always be worse . . . like, soap opera worse.

5. Your pregnancy is high risk because a few years back you got shot in the Fallopian tube & the very fact that you conceived is nothing short of a daytime miracle. You lose it anyway and feel you should make the most of it, so you throw yourself down the stairs and blame it on that bitch that you hate so she can be charged with murder.

4. You have your entire pregnancy in hiding & let no one know about it because the father of the baby is a guy who is a crime boss that you just so happened to shoot in the head a while back. He must have managed to let that little detail slide and decided you two needed to have sex . . . obvs!

3. You're rushed in with premature contractions, get drugged and have your baby taken right out of your womb. Then, when you come to, you're told that your baby was still born and are handed the ashes, all the while your actual baby is fine and healthy and has been given to someone else to raise.

2. You actually lost the baby but in order to hang on to your man, you get various sizes of fake baby bumps and try to pretend that you're still pregnant, while plotting to steal someone else's baby. You get around the whole intimacy thing by telling him that due to the "high risk" nature of the pregnancy, no intimacy whatsoever is allowed. Baby kicks? Fuck that. Stay away from ma' fake belly!

1. You have sex with two different men within 48 hours and end up falling pregnant with twins that have different fathers. Shut up! My twins were apparently conceived 3 days apart, so it could, like, totally happen.


  1. #1 is the best.

    And a convo my gf and I had. "What if you have twins, but one of the babies comes out black?"

  2. @Brandon

    You know that's totally happened IN REAL LIFE, right? I saved the newspaper clipping.

  3. Or. What if you have twins and one of them comes out white? ;)

  4. 3 pregnancies and I feel cheated that I didn't even have one of those issues to contend with! ;)

  5. I didn't know there were any soaps left on TV. You should try watching the Telanovellas on Telemundo. Higher drama AND you learn Spanish.

  6. HA! I love this! Someone must watch Days of Our Lives, too!

  7. This is why I do not watch soap operas. I could see myself getting into a telanovella however if only for the sake of learning Espanol... and for the beautiful nearly topless women that populate Telemundo. Thank you Kerry Ann.

  8. I used to watch Soap Operas with my mom when I was a kid, yeah, it's how we bonded, and I think that I have seen each of these story lines used twice. Soap Operas are awesome.

  9. I could never get into soaps, or "programs" as my grandparents called them. But seriously, your twins were conceived 3 days apart? Freaky! I mean that in the most affectionate way.

  10. DAMMIT! All I got when I was pregnant was nausea, sexy dreams, and cravings for Kraft dinner. GAH!

  11. Whoa! How come they haven't used these storylines from my current pregnancy: I've gained the same amount of weight as a woman pregnant with triplets and still have 2 months to go? Or having heartburn whether I have a salad or a chili dog? Going up even one flight of stairs means I have to sit down to rest and my feet look like marshmallows? Soap operas have no imagination. Jeez.

  12. Haha - now I feel so boring because I just have "regular" kids both with the same father.

  13. @Anonymous

    OMG, thank you so much!


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